• The Editor examines each submitted manuscript to verify its suitability for possible publication in the Journal. The preliminarily judgment is based on its content; however, other issues like length, writing structure and writing style are also examined. Each submission will go through specialized software to check plagiarism and verify its originality.
  • If found suitable, the manuscript is moved to start the review process. Each manuscript submitted for possible publication will undergo a rigorous peer review process, where it will be reviewed by “at least” three international anonymous reviewers, who are experts in the relevant subject area of the manuscript.
  • The review process and reviewed articles are dealt with very confidentially.
  • The expert reviewers, who are invited to review a submitted article, are asked to indicate whether they have any conflict of interest. They are also asked to provide very objective and justified recommendations following the best scholarly acceptable integrity measures. The reviewers are expected to provide the reason(s) behind their recommendations including, but not limited to, significance of the work, originality, clarity, relevance to the scope  of the Journal, citation of all relevant published work … etc.
  • If the decision of the Editor, which is based on the reviewers’ recommendations, is to reject a submission, the manuscript should not be resubmitted.  However, if the decision of the Editor-in-Chief is to perform a minor/major revision, the author(s) of the article should prepare a revised version in which they respond clearly to the comments of the reviewers. The revised version shall be accompanied by a response letter indicating how and where in the revised version of the manuscript the authors have responded to the reviewers’ comments one-by-one. The revised version along with the response letter of the author(s) will be sent to the reviewers again to make their justified final recommendations.
  • Each accepted manuscript will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), published online after proofreading and scheduled for a printed version of the Journal in the next available future issue.