The Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT) is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of computing sciences and technologies.
There are no charges for submitting manuscripts or publishing accepted papers.
The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal will be glad to receive original papers, which are not considered for publication elsewhere, on subjects covered by the Journal.
All papers are subject to a rigorous peer-review process so as to keep pace with new advances in computer research and development, disseminate knowledge, promote a thorough understanding of the Journal’s topics and highlight ideas of potential industrial interest.
Each submission will go through specialized software to check plagiarism and verify its originality using iThenticate.
Authors found to contravening the submission guidelines on originality and exclusivity shall not be considered for future publication in the JJCIT and their home institutions will be notified.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics that fall within the scope of the JJCIT. Other non-listed topics that fall under the general ICT umbrella are also of interest to the Journal.

- Computer architecture
- Concurrent, distributed and parallel processing
- Operating systems
- Robotics and human-computer interaction
- Security and privacy
- Computer networking
- Wireless networking and computing
- Sensors and ad-hoc networks
- Graph theory
- Pattern/image recognition
- Neural networks
- Biomedical simulations
- Virtual vision and virtual simulations
- Data mining, web image mining and applications
- Database management and information retrieval systems
- Bifurcation, bio-cybernetics and bio-informatics
- Cryptosystems and data compression
- Evolutional computation and fuzzy systems
- Speech processing, speech synthesis and speech recognition
- Video signal processing and security
- Any topic strongly related to computer science and engineering

- Communication protocols
- Quality of service
- Quantum computing and coding
- Error controls, agent computing and multi-agent systems
- Defining spectrum rights and open spectrum solutions
- Satellite and optical communication systems
- 3G/4G network evolutions and CDMA/GSM communication protocols
- Mobile computing and mobile protocols
- Communication theory and signal processing for communication
- Wireless and mobile networking
- Optical networks and systems & next-generation networking and internet
- Multimedia services, communication software & services
- Communication and information system security
- System control and network/service management
- Wireless and mobile communications
- Digital signal processing
- Microelectronics modeling and fabrication
- Cooperative communications
- Coding theory and practice
- Client-server, distributed and web-based communication systems
- Trials of advanced systems and services
- Any topic strongly related to communication engineering and systems

- Algorithms
- IT services, internet and web applications
- Arabic language processing
- E-government/ e-governance applications
- Artificial intelligence
- Smart grid and smart cities
- Cloud computing and applications
- Big data and social networks
- E-business and e-commerce (e-Applications)
- Cryptography and foundation of computer security
- IT in health, environment and agriculture
- Authentication/authorization issues
- IDS/firewall, anti-spam mail and anti-virus issues
- Biometric authentication and algorithms
- IC-card security, OTP and key management issues
- Ubiquitous and RFID applications
- Metadata, metamodeling, XML and data management
- Knowledge management, web security and privacy
- Cyber threats, web services and web engineering
- Web intelligence, protocols and standards
- Proxies and servers
- Multimedia applications
- Ontology and the semantic web
- B2B, B2C and C2C services
- Social and legal issues and digital ecology
- Any topic strongly related to information and information systems