(Received: 12-Oct.-2024, Revised: 3-Dec.-2024 , Accepted: 6-Dec.-2024)
The Fifth Generation (5G) networks have enabled the development of smart cities, in which massive amounts of data are collected, stored and disseminated. The ultimate objective of these smart cities is to cut costs and improve security performance. In this environment, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) helps connect vehicles, pedestrians, control rooms and some roadside infrastructure. Owing to the insecure nature of the communication channel utilized in IoV to exchange information, it is important to develop practical techniques to preserve data confidentiality and privacy. To this end, numerous security solutions have been proposed over the recent past. Unfortunately, most of these authentication techniques have security flaws, which endangers the transmitted data, while some of them are highly inefficient. To address these gaps, we present a Lightweight Authentication Scheme for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) based on 5G technology (LAIOV-5G).The security analysis carried out demonstrates that LAIOV-5G mitigates numerous potential attacks that threaten the IoV communication in a smart-city environment. In addition, the performance analysis of LAIOV-5G verifies its effectiveness and efficiency.

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