(Received: 8-Oct.-2021, Revised: 19-Dec.-2021 , Accepted: 3-Jan.-2022)
We live in a world where the Internet has become the backbone of most of our dealings. The Internet has turned this big planet into a small village. The Internet can be reached by everyone, everywhere, at any time. Some authors predict that the number of various types of devices capable of connecting via the Internet will reach 75.44 billion by 2025. These devices vary from low-processing power processors to heavy-processing power processors. It often requires the protection of mobile data between devices. These devices that have limited energy and resources require the protection technology to be adapted. The time it takes to encrypt a message using Data Encryption Standard (DES) is much less than the time it takes to encrypt the same message using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The problem with DES is that the key size is small and this makes it vulnerable to brute force attack. This paper gives complete guidelines for adapting the original DES and making it more secure, along with improving its performance compared to the existing standard encryption algorithms, such as AES. The proposed approach improves the original DES security by extending the key size of DES without affecting the cost of DES. The new algorithm is called DES22 and is convenient for low-processing power devices, such as wireless sensors. DES22 has three variants for key size: 128 bits, 256 bits and 512 bits. The paper also proposes another improvement to DES through random permutation and the distribution of the initial permutation and final permutation tables between the encryption and decryption algorithms. The experimental results show that DES22 is more secure and faster than AES.

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