(Received: 10-Feb.-2024, Revised: 12-Apr.-2024 , Accepted: 27-Apr.-2024)
Nowadays, modernizing the data warehouse ecosystem is a key challenge in decision-support systems. This modernization is crucial for ensuring scalability and meeting evolving business requirements, especially with the advent of big data. A promising solution involves implementing data warehouses with contemporary data stores, such as NoSQL. In this context, we introduce in this paper a framework that leverages Model-driven Architecture (MDA) to design and implement modern data warehouses across NoSQL data stores. Our MDA approach aims to offer a collaborative, dynamic and reusable process for developing NoSQL-oriented data warehouses tailored to specific project requirements. It facilitates the automatic and dynamic generation of a hybrid data-warehouse model from its conceptual model, which encompasses structural, domain and access parameters. Moreover, our framework includes the generation of implementation code for the data warehouse, along with a set of files to validate, document and illustrate the data-warehouse schema on a target platform. Finally, we present a detailed case study to highlight the effectiveness of our MDA framework.

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