(Received: 29-Jun.-2024, Revised: 9-Aug.-2024 , Accepted: 12-Aug.-2024)
The majority of contemporary fingerprint synthesis is based on the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Recently, the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) has been demonstrated to be more effective than GAN in numerous scenarios, particularly in terms of diversity and fidelity. This research develops a model based on the enhanced DDPM for fingerprint generation. Specifically, the image is decomposed into sub-images of varying frequency sub-bands through the use of a wavelet packet transform (WPT). This method enables DDPM to operate at a more local and detailed level, thereby accurately obtaining the characteristics of the data. Furthermore, a polynomial noise schedule has been designed to replace the linear noise strategy, which can result in a smoother noise-addition process. Experiments based on multiple metrics on the datasets SOCOFing and NIST4 demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to existing models.

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