(Received: 26-Aug.-2024, Revised: 25-Oct.-2024 , Accepted: 28-Oct.-2024)
The Internet of things (IoT) emerged as a new technology, where everything is connected. Large amounts of data need to be stored for processing; hence, edge computing can reduce the storage of data in a distributed environment, which enhances processing speed and low usage of bandwidth. With an ever- increasing use of IoT devices, issues such as authentication of devices, privacy of data stored and integrity of data have also increased. The authentication of devices is a major concern for edge-connected IoT devices. The problem was solved by using classical cryptographic algorithms such as Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and Diffie-Hellman (DH) for message encryption by using public and private keys that need to be stored. These keys need to be stored on a server for device authentication. In device authentication, storing many keys leads to more computation and storage costs and to an increase in delay. With quantum computing and quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s and Grover’s, it becomes easy to break the keys of cryptographic algorithms, making the system vulnerable. The proposed work Blockchain-based Device Authentication in Edge Computing Using Quantum Approach (BDAEC-QA) provides authentication for IoT devices using context information, quantum key distribution (QKD) and blockchain. The proposed scheme uses the smart contracts to store an information of the IoT devices on the server side, which is used by blockchain to provide secure authentication between the edge server and the IoT devices. The proposed scheme also provides communication between IoT devices across the network. The proposed work is compared with “Lightweight Two-factor-based User Authentication Protocol for IoT-Enabled Healthcare Ecosystem in Quantum Computing" (LTBA) and “A Blockchain-based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Collaborative Edge Computing" (BBMA) and has less registration, key generation and authentication delay, respectively. The BDAEC-QA scheme uses less computation and storage costs as compared with other existing schemes. The proposed scheme is simulated using the AVISPA tool, to provide the security proofs and analysis that indicate that the BDAEC-QA scheme is resistant to well-known attacks.

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